English Ministry


영어권 목회자 청빙

남가주 주님의 교회에서 next generation young adult/Adult English ministry pastor/JDSN 을 찿읍니다

2019-05-30 05:49

Bell Memorial United Methodist Church (남가주주님의교회) is seeking a pastor/JDSN

to lead our next generation young adult/Adult English ministry. Please send resumes to Hose Kim (hkimmd1@gmail.com)

Our church address is 1747 S. Nogales St, Rowland Heights, CA. 91748 


For a complete job description and requirements, Please see below.


Bell Memorial UMC was founded more than one hundred years ago. We currently have a strong first-generation Korean congregation, non-Korean English congregation, 2nd generation young adult congregation (aka, EMCY), and a healthy group of youths. We have a vision of fostering our 2nd generation young adult congregation to eventually grow into a multi-ethnic meta-church by allowing autonomy with full support of the 1st generation Korean congregation and its Senior Pastor.






We are seeking a Pastor to provide comprehensive ministry to the whole spectrum of next generation ministry within the church and the local community. This minister shall oversee all of EM ministry services and activities and shall be responsible/accountable and work with the Senior Pastor.



Responsibilities for this position include:

* Leading our EM ministry on a weekly basis, serving as a leader, mentor, role model, and growing the faith inside our church and those in our community.

* Providing spiritual enrichment by having regular Bible study classes.


We seek a dynamic leader with the following qualifications:

* Dedicated Christian; Does not have to be a Methodist.

* Passion and love for next generation young adults

* Desire and ability to bring others to Christ and to nurture the

growth of faith

* Demonstrated ability to recruit and organize volunteers in ministry

* Relevant experiences

* Good team player


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미주 목회자 청빙 – 미니스트리파인더, Ministry Finder

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