English Ministry


영어권 목회자 청빙

Youth/EM pastor

2024-08-03 11:58

Youth/EM pastor

Youth/EM pastor The Cornerstone Community Church in Marina, CA, is looking for a Youth/EM pastor with a pioneering spirit to build a multi-ethnic community. Though the congregation is small in number, it is made up of dedicated adults and adolescents who are passionate about God and the church. CCC was planted with the full support of the Korean First Presbyterian Church (mkfpc.org) to provide Christian witness and service in the area.


1) Lead Sunday worship, including preaching, and provide weekly Bible studies

2) Oversee administration of the Youth Ministry and Sunday School

3) Plan, execute, and evaluate ministry events/programs throughout the year

4) Coordinate EM ministry with Korean ministry's vision and goals



1) Master of Divinity or equivalent from an accredited seminary

2) Experience in Youth/English Ministry

3) Possess a strong calling to shepherd a young generation

4) Fluent in both spoken and written English (Korean is preferred)



1) Resume including photo of self + family (if married)

2) Statement of philosophy and theology of ministry (one page)

3) Personal testimony: faith journey and the call into ministry (two pages)

4) Two sermons or sermon notes

5) Two ministry references with contact information


4. Salary & Benefits:

1) Salary range is negotiable depending on experience and family circumstances

2) Benefits are included with health insurance

3.)Two weeks of paid time off per year (one week during first year), and one conference for professional development per year


5. Interested applicants should email all application requirements to Rev. K. Rhee (woong101@gmail.com)

#Google AD Sense
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