English Ministry


영어권 목회자 청빙

English Lead Pastor (Cary, NC)

2024-07-11 16:34
The Connect Church (Cary, NC) seeks a dedicated and passionate pastor to lead the English Ministry (EM). Our church, founded in 2016, is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We are committed to fostering a strong, united congregation, and helping all people connect with God. 

  • Relational Leadership: Take the initiative to build relationships, reach out to unchurched people, and strengthen discipleship across the congregation. 
  • Dual Leadership: Share responsibilities with the Korean Ministry (KM) pastor for the entire congregation. Foster a strong relationship with the KM pastor to ensure cohesive and shared leadership.
  • Community Integration: Engage with whole congregation members, promoting unity within the church, bridging Korean-speaking and English-speaking members.
  • English Ministry (EM) Ministry: Oversee young adults and adults, addressing their unique spiritual and cultural needs, for example, through Sunday preaching, discipleship, and small group ministry (Life Group)
  • Education Ministry: Support and oversee the youth and children’s ministry.
Desired Qualities:
  • Christ-like Leadership: Aspire to lead the church with a love and dedication that resembles Christ's for the church.
  • Visionary Leadership: Possesses a vision for the church that is Spirit-led and future-focused, taking initiatives to plan and implement that vision.
  • Pastoral Care: Passionate about pastoral care with a heart to pray for and support the congregation, and seek to develop individual relationships.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Deep understanding of the cultural dynamics within a multi-cultural church setting.
  • M.Div. degree or equivalent from an evangelical school. 

Application Process:

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their
  1. Resume
  2. Salvation Testimony and Statement of Faith 
  3. Vision statement for the ministry and how they meet the above criteria. 
  4. 2 Recent Sermon (format: Videos or recorded audio sermon) 
  5. 3 Recommendation Letters (1 from previous ministry, 1 from a friend, 1 from another pastor) 
  6. Applications should be sent to the email (mc@theconnectnc.church).

Applications will be accepted until the End of August (August 31st, 2024)].

We look forward to finding a pastor who will join us in our mission to grow a vibrant, united church community that honors God and serves His people faithfully.

Contact Information:

The Connect Church EM Pastor Search Committee 

40 Diggs Lane 

Chapel Hill, NC 27517





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