English Ministry


영어권 목회자 청빙

Communications Internship for Methodist Stories (Remote Job)

2024-06-13 16:33
Communications Internship for Methodist Stories  

The Methodist Laity Network is seeking a talented, motivated, and hard-working intern who shares our church stories to record the disaffiliation from the United Methodist Churches and to promote greater awareness for immigrant church stores in English. As a Communications intern, you will help expand the Methodist Laity Network’s general audience and reach online and in media and gain experience in a fast-paced Christian environment.


Duties may include but are not limited to:
  • Coordinating and assisting with disaffiliation church stories from the United Methodist Church
  • Recording, editing, and transcription video content
  • Conducting research on media organizations and press contacts
  • Designing social media and web content to promote Korea Immigrants Church stories
  • Tracking and monitoring current Methodist disaffiliation events related to Korean churches
  • Assisting in planning and promoting Methodist Laity Network related programs online and in-person

  • Strong background in content development, video editing, and social media design
  • Strong research, writing, and editing skills with excellent attention to detail
  • Availability to staff in-person recording on scheduled interview
  • Self-driven with a professional demeanor with a desire to excel
  • Proficient in using social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Previous experience in communications, outreach and media relations a plus
  • Korean and English bi-lingual language skills a plus


Internships are unpaid positions. Candidates are required to commit to a minimum of 12 weeks and 8-10 hours per week. Priority will be given to applicants who are available. A small stipend would be about $ 1,000 per month.


Application Instructions:
  • Please submit a cover letter and resume to kumcln01@gmail.com with "Communications Internship: Your Name” in the subject line.
Thank you for your interest!


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