Looking for a Children's pastor/ a Youth pastor
2024-01-23 13:28
Naperville Korean First Presbyterian Church
A Children’s Pastor and A Youth Pastor
Job Description
Naperville Korean First Presbyterian Church is a growing congregation with a deep desire to love God. We are committed to encouraging, inspiring and disciplining our children and youth to lead the next generation in a way that is pleasing to God. We are currently searching for two part-time pastors—one for children and one for youth—who are passionate about our mission to nurture Christian faith. They should have a clear calling to work with these age groups. Interested applicants should send resume together with a cover letter or a personal testimony.
- Preaching and teaching the Bible
- Sunday Children/Youth Worship Services
- Friday night children/youth group
- Weekly staff meetings
- Training and developing teachers/leaders
- Planning/coordinating any other activities or events (retreats, short-term mission, etc.) that might help in the growth of the children/youth
Contact Information
Rev. Changmin An
23W550 Hobson Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone: 630-778-0101 (Church), 630-962-7904 (Cell)
E-mail: mutulan@hotmail.com
Church Web: www.ilovechurch.org
#Google AD Sense
A Children’s Pastor and A Youth Pastor
Job Description
Naperville Korean First Presbyterian Church is a growing congregation with a deep desire to love God. We are committed to encouraging, inspiring and disciplining our children and youth to lead the next generation in a way that is pleasing to God. We are currently searching for two part-time pastors—one for children and one for youth—who are passionate about our mission to nurture Christian faith. They should have a clear calling to work with these age groups. Interested applicants should send resume together with a cover letter or a personal testimony.
- Strong biblical teacher and preacher
- Willing and committed to invest time to equip and train believers for ministry
- Seminary or Graduate student, or Christian College student
- Experience in EM or Youth or Children’s ministry
- Fluent in English (Korean and English preferred)
- Preaching and teaching the Bible
- Sunday Children/Youth Worship Services
- Friday night children/youth group
- Weekly staff meetings
- Training and developing teachers/leaders
- Planning/coordinating any other activities or events (retreats, short-term mission, etc.) that might help in the growth of the children/youth
Contact Information
Rev. Changmin An
23W550 Hobson Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone: 630-778-0101 (Church), 630-962-7904 (Cell)
E-mail: mutulan@hotmail.com
Church Web: www.ilovechurch.org
#Google AD Sense
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