English Ministry


영어권 목회자 청빙

Full-Time and Part-time Education Director/pastors

2022-09-16 13:57
Position Description/Responsibilities 

New Mercy Hackensack Church is seeking a Lead Education Director to oversee its education ministry of 100+ children consisting of newborns to high school students. The Lead Education Director will join a staff of full-time and part-time pastors and will be supported by the education staff and volunteer leaders. The Lead Education Director will be responsible for the following:

-Oversee and coordinate all aspects of the education ministry
-Shepherd the education staff and volunteers through mentorship, discipleship, and training.
-Communication with parents, including home visitations, email, and social media
-Liaison between staff, session, parents, and other ministries
-Oversee the implementation of gospel-centered curriculum to each education ministry
-Teach age appropriate gospel-centered sermons to each ministry
-Collaborate with pastors, staff, and ministry leaders
-Attend weekly staff meetings


-5+ years of experience leading a children’s education ministry and teaching
-Seminary trained preferred

Application Process

To apply, please send the following: resume, a statement of your personal philosophy and vision with regards to children’s ministry, two references, and one recent children’s sermon video sample if available.

If you have any questions please contact us: hr@newmercyh.cc


Part-time Children's pastor position open

20 hours/week



Apply here: https://www.newmercyh.cc/joinourteamchildren

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