[OR] Eden Presbyterian Church of Oregon seeks a Full-Time Children’s Ministry and Education Department Pastor.
2021-07-08 13:34
Eden Presbyterian Church of Oregon seeks a Full-Time Children’s Ministry and Education Department Pastor. We are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), which is a reformed, confessional, Protestant denomination that strives to remain faithful to God’s Word, true to the reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.
A. Qualifications
1. A pastor who agrees with the reformed faith as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms with a good conscience before the Lord
2. M.Div. graduate from an accredited seminary who is either licensed or ordained in or willing to transfer to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination (https://pcanet.org/)
3. Fluent English speaker; conversational Korean is a plus
4. Legally authorized to work in the United States of America
B. Job Requirements
1. Oversee and direct our church’s Education Department, which is comprised of our Toddler, Kindergarten, Children and Youth Ministries
2. Preside and preach on a weekly basis for our Children’s Ministry Worship Service
3. Lead and equip pastoral staff, teachers, and volunteers in each ministry
4. Appoint Sunday school teachers and cooperate with leaders in each ministry
5. Organize our annual Vacation Bible School program
6. Lead our AWANA program
C. Required Documents
1. Resume
2. Introductory cover letter of you & your family with a photo of yourself and family (if applicable)
3. Statement of Ministry Vision and Philosophy for both Children’s Ministry and Education Department
4. Links to or files of TWO video or audio recordings of sermons prepared within the last six months for children
5. THREE reference letters: (1) Pastor, (2) Elder, and (3) Colleague/Mentor. Have each of your references email their letters directly to office@oregoneden.com
D. Compensation
1. Annual salary of $36,000 – $42,000 based on prior ministry experience and ordination status
2. Benefits include Health Insurance and Paid Vacation
3. Relocation Fee will be provided if moving from a different state
E. Application Process
1. Last date for submissions is October 31, 2021
2. All documents must be sent as .pdf to office@oregoneden.com
3. Contact Elder Yoonjo Kim (cell: 404-695-4037 | email: yoonjo.kim94@gmail.com) for any questions or concerns regarding your application
저희 오레곤 에덴장로교회(PCA)에서는 다음 세대에 대한 비전을 품고 Children’s Ministry와 Education Department를 총괄하실 전임(Full time) 교역자를 모시고자 합니다.
A. 자격 요건
1. 개혁주의 신앙을 가진 목회자
2. 정규 신학대학원(M.Div.)을 졸업한 강도사 or 목사
3. 영어 사용이 자유롭고, 기본적인 한국어 소통이 가능한 목회자
4. 미국 거주 및 취업에 법적인 문제가 없는 목회자
B. 사역 내용
1. 교육부 전체 총괄
2. 매주 Children’s Ministry 예배 인도 및 설교
3. 교육부 Staff(강도사/전도사/교사 등) lead 및 각 부 책임 리더와 협력하여 교사 임명
4. 매해 여름 VBS 준비 및 인도
5. 매주 AWANA 인도
C. 제출 서류
1. 이력서
2. 본인 및 가족 소개서
3. Children’s Ministry와 Education Department에 대한 비전과 목회 철학
4. 본인 및 가족 사진(if applicable)
5. 최근 6개월 내 어린이 설교 2회(Youtube Link or 음성파일)
6. 추천서 3부(Pastor 1부, Elder 1부, Colleague 1부 / 추천인이 아래의 email 주소로 직접 보내주시기 바랍니다)
D. 사례
1. 연 $36,000~42,000(경력에 따라)
2. Benefit: 의료보험, 유급 휴가 등
3. Relocation Fee will be provided if moving from a different state
E. 서류 제출
1. 마감일: 10/31/2021
2. 모든 서류는 email로 제출해 주시기 바랍니다. (office@oregoneden.com)
3. 문의: 김윤조 장로(404-695-4037 / yoonjo.kim94@gmail.com)
1200 SW 185th Ave. Beaverton, OR 97006 | (503) – 848 – 8168 | OREGONEDEN.COM
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